Thursday, April 9, 2009

The one where I'm not part of Obama's "we."

Nancy Morgan writes a terrifying article on the status of our country. The money-talks liberals are just steamrolling the value system this country was founded on.

Americans continue to cry out "Why would God let that happen?!?!" to events like 9/11... school shootings... Iran getting nukes... Korea setting off missiles for pre-nuke tests... the socialism creeping into and steadily taking over our economy... setups for a "One World Government" (and economy)... etc, etc, etc. Meanwhile, America consistently denounces her reliance on and any association with God. Removing God from the classroom in 1962 really got the ball rolling. And here we stand with Rick Warren caving into worldly fear and oppression in denouncing his support for Proposition 8.

Many American's are happy to wipe the 10 Commandments from the halls of courts, but then wonder why God won't protect us and give us His favor. Ironic.

America was successful and land of the free because of the commitment of our founding fathers and earlier government officials to fight for and provision for the righteous things of God to make their way into the very fiber of our society and laws. Then came the love of money to buy liberals' way.

I for one am NOT one of Obama's "we" (reference aforementioned article). I do consider America a Christian nation, and I will fight for that to return in full force. God bless you all!

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