Thursday, January 31, 2008
I want, I want, I want... Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!
God bless the fabulous men and women who have put forth their combined effort to create Android. It's the open source operating system for PDA phones that Google has helped to fund. They are actually putting up $10million of their own money to promote the development of the system, shelling out money to developers that create the best programs for the platform. Now that's commitment. Thank you Google. Check out a demo of the software in this link.
The problem is, there won't likely be any phones to use this fabulous platform until 3rd or 4th quarter of '08. I just can't wait that long... [sigh]
Pantech Duo? Moto Q 9? Blackjack II? HTC Tilt? Blackberry 8820? Decisions, decisions.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Carry On My Wayward Son
After a long day of cleaning and testing fiber optic cables ([in a droaning voice] ... wooo hooo... this is so much fun...), I'm just relaxing a bit in the hotel before getting a chance to meet Christina's good friends, Tara and Adam. We're heading out to In N Out Burger - I've never been, and I am SOO stoked!
Well, time to head out - more to update later...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Masonry uncovered
Wording things carefully so as to avoid lawsuits and protect my job... Over the last several weeks, I've been troubleshooting an issue that reared its head with some fiber optic assemblies. LOTS of testing in the lab. Debug, debug, debug. This is a major deal, potentially affecting an entire standard of fiber optics. Woo hoo... I have opened an incredibly large can of worms. ;-)
I'll be out here until Thursday... Tomorrow is going to be spent in the lab, reviewing the techniques in which we've been performing out tests... more or less to validate what we've discovered. Sounds exciting, eh?
And on the plane today, after about 30 cat naps between getting bumped by passers by in the isle, waking from the aroma of Midwest Airlines' fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, asked if I want a soda from the flight attendants, sniffing the pungent stench of "old lady perfume"... I finally gave up on "sleeping" and pulled out the book I brought with me.

Everyone knows of this commandment regarding idolatry, right? And you've probably read Moses' account a dozen times in Exodus. But, reading this quote in the context of Bill Schnoebelen's book, "Masonry: Beyond The Light," really opened my eyes today. (Check out Bill's ministry online.)
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above , or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me"
Exodus 20:4-5
I remember Dad discussing his discovery of this book back in college. I also remember my desire to read it upon him sharing a few details that he had read with me. I found it referenced in Dr. Kent Hovind's online store one day while surfing (GREAT resource, by the way), and threw it on my Christmas list last year. Nancy knew Dad had it, remembering him talk about it it too. She dug around Dad's GINORMOUS collection of books last year (now in her care) after seeing it on my list, but didn't find it. Dad had so many books, that they're categorized into entire cabinets of shelves. "That's a lot of books," you say. Yup. Dad was incredibly diligent in his studies of God, praise God! Anyway, it apparently was in the wrong set of shelves, misplaced. Nancy ran across it later on and gave it to me for Christmas this year.
Right - back to the book. Go back, and reread that passage. Reread that last sentence. Yup. Zing. God gets so angry that he threatens to punish our lineage, down to our great-grandchildren. Wow. That really convicted me today as I was reading this book. How much do we hurt God... every single day? It has actually brought me to tears tonight... And the impact that my actions have. Yikes.
So, I only got through 6 chapters on the plane today, but it sure does suck you in. This one is a page turner, ladies and gents. I highly recommend it. Dad had shared some crazy things with me when he was talking about reading it, and I had remembered some of those juicy details. Because of that, the first couple chapters were a bit... long to get through. I wanted to get into the juicy details right away. But, I completely understand why Bill wrote the introduction and lead in with the first several chapters. Quite honestly, it's too much for someone to take in at face value. And he offers lots of Biblical references throughout what he shares - awesome.
It's late, but I want to share some of this information to get it out in the world. Let me first preface this all by stating that I don't believe that Masons are intentionally getting themselves into the situation they're in. Satan is the Father of Lies (John 8:44)... he's a tricky one. He lures us in. Temptation is the perfect example... if he came right out and told us what we're thinking of doing is wrong and sinful, it'd seem rather unappealing to us - but, rather, he tricks us. Our discernment ability aside... the point is, that he makes things seem different than reality. "Ye shall not surely die [if you eat of the tree]" he tells Eve (Gen3:4). He twists it into making Eve think it's a physical death... but, we all know God was really speaking of her spiritual death in that she would be disobeying God's law - the first Covenant. Eve fell for it, of course... as we do in our walks every day. My point here is that not every Mason is of a high degree, fully partaking in the occult. And I dare even say Masons may be ignorant to that which they serve. I am not condemning, just hoping that this information will open peoples' eyes.
Since it's late, I don't know how far into this I'll be able to get... but, let's see...
The devil has planned this organization out incredibly well. Essentially, there are varying degrees of membership. The higher the degree, the higher up the food chain you are. Essentially, for participation in most things of the Masonic lodge, you must obtain the 3rd degree level (Master Mason). The highest level is 33rd degree.
When initiating interest in pursuing higher orders (above Master Mason), you are "guided" into one of two different Rites - the Scottish or the York. Upon early initiation, you are "felt out" as to whether you're a Christian or not. Those of a "Christian" background are taken down the York Rite path. If the Mason is more secular or "motivated" to hurry through the training, "...he is advised to go the route of the Scottish Rite, which rockets you through 29 degrees in a couple of weekends, and enables you to go on and join the Shrine."
The Knights Templar (KT) is the crown achievement of the York Rite. Throughout your process of varying degrees, you've been lead to believe you will eventually be exposed to the "true name of God." As you progress, you are required to take blood oaths committing to have your ear sliced off, tongue split from tip to root, heart ripped out and placed on a dunghill to rot, or your skull smote off and brains exposed to the rays of the noon day sun, should you ever violate the oaths by which you swear.
The highpoint of the initiation into the KT is a "grim mockery" to the Last Supper. You are "brought before a large, triangular table covered in black velvet illuminated by candles and containing eleven silver goblets and a human skull enthroned on the Bible." "The candidate is asked to partake of five libations, (toasts). The first three libations are given, respectively, to the memory of Masonic heroes King Solomon, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif. The fourth libation is to the memory of Simon of Cyrene..." "The candidate is never told to whom the fifth libation is drunk (it is 'sealed'), and it is offered to hi out of a human skull! He is told by the "Eminent Commander" to repeat a short oath which says, in part:
as the sins of the whole world were once visited upon the head of our Saviour, so may all the sins of the person whose skull this once was, in addition to my own, be heaped upon my head, and may this libation appear in judgement against me, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate my most solemn vow of a Knight Templar, so help me God..."
As Bill points out in his book, the wage of just one sin is spiritual death for eternity. And the grace of God has given us our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here, these men are rescinding their belief and admonition of Christ's death on Calvary... and BLINDLY accepting to be held accountable for the sin of some dead guy. Bill also explains how and what the definition of "God" is changed to within the Masonic Lodge and their teachings. Scary stuff.
Now, the above is just the juicy guts. Bill goes into great detail describing the entangled web that is woven to deceive Masons as they progress through the various degrees... gradually beginning to serve a second master (Mathew 6:24), which is eloquently told us to be impossible by Jesus himself. Bill uncovers the dirty details and their roots... there's lots of meat to this juice.
So, yeah. That's just a taste of this book. Call it a "teaser trailer." I'm only about 25% through it, and can't wait to learn more.
For authenticity's sake to your readers out there, Bill has violated a lot of sacred oaths... a former 32nd degree Mason. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for convicting his heart to discern the truth of what has happened. Thank You for using him as a megaphone of the truth.
Lord... Jesus... You are my Savior - You are the one and only Master of the Universe, the Creator of all things. Thank You, Lord. Holy Spirit, please convict readers of this blog to see the true and only pure source of light. Lord, I ask spiritual and physical protection over me in an effort to uncover the secrets of darkness and bring them to light by Your command through Paul (Eph 5:11-13). Lord, I again ask for your protection over Bill, and honor him for his commitment to this same task. Amen!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Martini Night!
Since The Office, like most other shows, isn't being filmed due to the writer strikes in Hollywood, I proposed to watch the old episodes. We started with Season 1 last night, and got through 4 episodes. It was outstanding... like a farmer in his field. ;-)
Then came time for Guitar Hero. Below are a few pictures of the last standing souls before the evening's end.
Moving on, tonight, coworker friend Jeff hosted movie night at his place. He recently "finished" his home theater, a project that's been couple years in the making. Looks great... even has stadium seating - I approve :-) We started off the evening with Shoot 'Em Up. LOL. Holy gunfire, Batman. The title is entirely appropriate... in a more humerous and ridiculous way, rather than vile and oppressive. It was actually quite entertaining. Although, it made its successor, Live Free or Die Hard, seem like Sleepless In Seattle. That's quite an accomplishment.
That said, it's a late night. Crap. I have to pack. I'm going on a men's retreat this weekend in Lake Geneva through Christina's brother's church. I'm really looking forward to it. Cannot wait for what God has in store for us... sooo stinkin' excited! :-)
Off to pack!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Goodbyes are so hard [tear]
Currently playing as I type: Alison Krauss, "Now That I've Found You: A Collection"
So, here's a shot of the boxes in their current, rough state. They're constructed of 3/4" MDF, using 3/4" marine grade plywood as inner dampening for the secondary baffle and rear diffusion panel. This one shows them just after getting the acoustic foam [cough, cough... mattress pad... cough, cough] lined on the walls (I'm resourceful, what can I say?).
And a top view that shows a bit more detail of the foam and the counter sunk lip for the drivers to they sit flush with the baffle after being mounted. [Yoda voice] Mad router skillz, I have.
Here's the masterpieces after having the drivers mounted. Yes, the 5" on the left is glossy finish and the right is matte finish. Deal with it. That's what happens when you find deals at the Madisound sale. Yes, they have slightly different timbre of sound. Yes, they have slightly different parameters. If you can point out to me the difference in a listening test, you win a prize. [Jeopardy theme begins...]
Ben knocked on the door as I was preparing to tie in my last bypass wire on the crossovers. The crossovers are something I "threw together" just to get them up and running. I must say, I'm good (head inflating). I'm sitting in bliss... Alison is in my living room... aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. I can't wait to tweak these crossovers when I get my software key for back from Nate (hint, hint).
Here's a shot of Ben and I listening to Diana Krall on DVD-Audio. No, it's not the same as audio on DVD or a DVD concert - it's DVD-Audio. I'm too tired to expound, so go read about it here - though, I didn't read anything in the text, so I hold no responsibility for its accuracy.
Here's Ben giving Peanut some much needed attention. She just never gets any from me [roll eyes].
And this is Ben demonstrating playing fart sounds on his Blackjack phone through the leadpipe of my Bach Strad #37. A fart never sounded so projected. This is apparently what he and his orchestra buddies do when they're bored listening to retarded guest conductors...
Another one of Ben...
Well, good sir, I miss you already dearly! It was sooooo good to spend some time with you over the last few weeks! :-) I'm praying for safe travels in the snow tomorrow morning to the airport. Lord, please put Your hand of protection over Ben, Vir, Alex, and Victoria as they make their way home tomorrow. Thank You, Lord, for bringing such a wonderful friend into my life! I can't wait to see you again, buddy...
I bid you all a fine farewell this evening.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Busy busy busy
Saturday morning I was hoping to meet up with my friend Ben who's in town visiting from Uruguay. But, he got tied up with the kids. Instead, I got to spend a little time working on some speakers.
The speakers were a project that were started back in April or so of last year. Friends Matt, Nate, and Spencer were part of the ordeal. We made a day of cutting wood for speaker cabinets. Three of us were all interested in doing basically the same thing - small two-way "bookshelf" speakers. Of course, the way I do things, they end up weighing in at 20lbs a piece, just the wood. ;-) That day was a myriad of struggles with tools at Spencer's house, starting from square one. So, by day's end, we were only able to get the wood cut. The plan, at the time, was to meet up again and finish everything up. Spencer, over the next few weeks, spent some time assembling the cabinets for Matt and me. And I just finally got them this last week (Wednesday) from him.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED. I have been living in pain for the last couple months due to a veneer process gone horribly, horribly wrong with my main 3way cabinets. I just haven't had the tenacity or patience to figure out how to fix the problem... and have been suffering listening through some B.I.C. America speakers I had just laying around. They are great commercial offerings... but good grief, they're just not up to my snob level of excellence. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to get some pictures up of the new project tomorrow... just don't expect to see the 3way towers up and running any time soon. [pouty face]
While working on the new speakers, I did a bunch of laundry -- oh, the excitement of my Saturday. But just wait...
I met up with Christina around 4 at her place. We then headed down to Rivers in Chicago for dinner. And following we indulged in box seat tickets that Christina scored to Doctor Atomic, the opera, showing at the Lyric Opera House. It's a contemporary work about the Trinity Program and the impact it had on the men and women that developed and manufactured the bombs. It focused a lot on the internal conflicts of creating such a powerful weapon and its potential destructive nature. While one sided in it's portrayal, it is most certainly a very serious subject and certainly not something to be overlooked. I only wish I could have appreciated it's contemporary style of music more. It was such a treat... I'm so glad Christina asked me to go with her. :-) Thanks, Baby!
Sunday morning, Christina, Ann (Christina's roomy) and I all went to Christina's church, Harvest Bible Chapel. It was my first time there, and was so great to be able to partake in that with Christina. I got to meet her small group members too. God is really doing great things there - thank You, Lord. I look forward to spending lots more Sunday's there in the future with her. Thank You, Lord, for giving her such an abundance of spiritual food and source of companionship.
After church, Christina and I went to visit her brother's family. We spent the afternoon hanging out and playing with baby Tori and watching the AFC championship game. And then we met back up with Ann to catch a chick flick, 27 Dresses. It was pretty decent, but then again, I'm a fan of chick flicks ;-)
Regarding the Packer playoff for NFC championship today, I must say that I'm not all that surprised they lost. In fact, had I had the opportunity, I would have bet against them. While they've made some great strides this year, they are lacking consistency - something they haven't had since the '96 season. And they were really riding and hyping up the cold weather a bit too much. I just hope Favre sticks it out a while longer... with some more discipline and training, the current roster could be quite devastating to it's opponents in the next couple years.
Well, I need to hit the sack. Let me leave you with 2 Timothy 2:15...
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Bis dann,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Happy Anniversary!! :-)
Yeah, that's what Christina and I said on the phone to each other this morning as we reflected on today's date - our 2 month anniversary of meeting each other. We just can't believe it's only been 2 months. When we were just a couple dates into this endeavor, we were already thinking back then that it felt like we had been dating like 6 months. The level of intimacy that was reached in our email conversations before ever meeting made a really incredible connection between us. So awesome - I totally recommend eHarmony if you're looking for a new approach to dating.
For many reasons, it has been an emotional ride in the time that Christina and I first started communicating via the world wide web back in October. As a result, we've had the opportunity to really connect and grow in our spiritual walks - both as individuals and as a couple.
Since Christmas, I initiated a devotional study book with Christina for every time we meet (thank you, Santa
In short, I just want to say that I'm so blessed to have been lead to such an incredible person. Thank you, Christina, for who you are - I pray that God would use us to honor His kingdom, and continue to ask for discernment in the path He has for us. Love you, baby.
Here's a picture of us - there aren't many. Many of you may recognize the outfits and background from my inaugural post for the blog... but since it's a special day, I had to put up our picture :-) Christina's nephew, Tyler, is joining in the fun :-)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
While I was eating, good friend Ben came over to visit. He's up in the states again on a vacation, as he has been living in Uruguay several years now (...6...7...?). We had a few beers, and then made a beer run for some more. Upon our return, we popped in Live Free or Die Hard. I was impressed - great action movie, great humor. And not nearly as ridiculous as everyone made it out to be. It was so great to see him again. Hopefully we'll have a little more time together before he heads back on the 22nd.
And, finally, the moment we've all been waiting for - a few highlights of our Christmas celebration. These highlights are from Christmas Eve/Momma' s birthday celebration with the neighbors.
It doesn't take much to excite the birthday girl, apparently. Wal-mart bags... who would've guessed?

OC and Dill
This one is in honor of what Aunt Tina did to Ty a few years ago...
And this is the children being bratty to the parents. We must save wrapping paper! Here's Dill pulling out his trusty razor blade to carefully slice the tape so as to create minimal damage to the paper so we can reuse it next year. And how perfect is OC's face in the background... LOL.
Can you honestly tell me that my hat isn't better than Dill's?
Group shot at dinner...
Group shot #2 at dinner...
I'm so glad I love my sister :-) Thinking of you, praying for you guys! P.S. - Mom, this is the picture you should have used for your Christmas card...
Bonnie on the left, birthday girl on the right.
So great... What you can't see in this picture is my left hand slyly reaching over to poke Dill right in the ribs - I couldn't have timed it any better - LOL check out his face.
Here's Dill and Chad sporting their new hats from Uganda (courtesy of Joy and Nancy), made from banana tree bark...
Next post will have a few from Christmas Day...
Monday, January 14, 2008
UGH! '97-'02 Outlook .pst files...
I have officially developed frustration with Western Digital and their apparent inability to manufacture a good quality, long lasting hard drive. My 3rd WD EIDE died last weekend - and in the years of building PC's for others, I've had two DOA's and at least 3 failures that I can think of. I'm now convinced it's more than bad luck...
More frustrating is that it's clearly not worth investing another hard drive into my old computer with a bad northbridge chipset (stupid heatsink fell off). Wouldn't it be great if I could find a new replacement motherboard on eBay for $3? Well, it was worth a shot.
Well, this weekend was an incredible testament to God's hand at work. His peace was overwhelming in the hearts of all the family this weekend. Everyone was truly able to appreciate that Memaw is better off and no longer suffering. Her legacy of her commitment to God and His word will always be remembered. I continue to ask God for the family's peace and understanding throughout the natural grieving process. Thank you, Lord, for all You've been doing already. It was, despite the circumstances, so great to be able to spend some more time with Christina's family... and meet some new faces.
I suppose... back to the grindstone...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sad news
Unfortunately, while waiting at the airport, Christina got word from her dad that her grandma, Memaw, had finally moved on to be with our Lord after a debilitating battle against cancer that quickly consumed her over the last few months. I ask for prayer warriors for your prayers of support for Christina and her family through the grieving process. Pray for encouragement in finding support in Jesus, in knowing that as a believer Memaw is taking pleasure in the wonders of our promised afterlife, and that they be thankful that her painful battle is now over and that she is experiencing absolute love and pleasure beyond what our human minds can comprehend. Pray for all the extended family's safety as everyone travels this weekend to be part of the services. I'm honored to be able to support Christina this weekend by flying down with her family to partake in the services this weekend in Alabama.
The trip to Irvine, CA was good as far as business goes. The customer and Airbus all seemed very happy with our presentation and current design. Now, we just need to get all the paper work wrapped up and signed off (no problem...
In brighter news, I've learned that some of my favorite speaker building components are available - parts that were previously believed to be extinct... and better yet, they're on sale. SOO excited. Nope, not gonna' tell you what they are. Why? Cuz then you'll go buy them out from under me. Yes, I'm that selfish.
Please, keep in mind our country's new support effort in the middle east for peace between Israel and Palestine. And let's not forget to pray for our men and women (troops and congress) paving the way for a new, free democratic society in Iraq. Taking over Hussein's regime was just an objective milestone. The VISION of de
And because I feel the need to break the blog up with some pictures, I did some searching. I found the perfect one for my day of meetings today. ROFL... Thank you, Dilbert... ROFL, again.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
This is all my old RA from the RWJ residence hall. I think beer was involved. Maybe. Not sure. I plead the fifth...
Anyway, he just started calling me Scotty 2 Hotty one day. I had no idea why at the time. I just found out a few months ago. I figured it was because of my good looks. Turns out, it's the name of a WWF/E wrestler, named Scott Garland (learn more on Wikipedia). S2H and Scotty 2 Hotty became synonymous. When I started DJ'ing this fall, I even named myself "DJ S2H." How cool am I?
Right - so that's the deal. I'm out. I'm totally not doing this in the middle of a meeting with Airbus... really... it's the end of the meeting. :-p
Focker out.
Monday, January 7, 2008
It's all in the name...
Tieftoener. What is it? Who is it? Why? Oh, the frustration...! For the record, technically it's "tieftöner." When translating, the 0-umlaut (ö) becomes "oe" for the normal world and simplex text characters of ASCII relation. So, right... umlaut... must be German. Yup. "Tieftöner" means "subwoofer." I'm such a speaker nerd. Thanks be to Herr Schneider, my high school German teacher. As it turns out, he was also the first customer to ever buy speakers from me. I sincerely appreciate his enthusiastic support of my passions.
And as most college buddies can attest to, it quickly became my "gamer tag" (the name that you use for characters while playing video games). Yes, Tieftoener brings up many fond memories of friends cussing up and down the hallway of the "penthouse" of RWJ dorm... cussing at me for sleighing them with my superior intellect and mad keyboard skillz... then trying to pronounce "tieftoener" (come on, admit it - you can't pronounce it either) while already enraged from dying in the game... and becoming even more enraged by the frustration of having no idea how to say "tieftoener." Yes, it was awesome. I die a little inside with laughter, even now, thinking about it...
And those fellow gamers probably also remember a certain office desk tool that ravaged the depths of Hell in Diablo II, Expansion Pack. Yes, Swingline was the name of the greatest level 43 "assassin" character ever made. Good friends. Good times. Thank you all for the memories :-)
Seeing as I need to get packing up some stuff here at the office, last minute, I'm going to reserve the explanation of "S2H" for this evening. I'm heading off to Irvine, CA today again for another business trip. I'm going to be attending a Critical Design Review (CDR) with Air France airlines, Airbus, and Thales. It's regarding the new entertainment rack I'm designing for their new A380 jumbo-jets that are on order. I'll be returning to WI on Wednesday after our meeting tomorrow. I can't wait to take in the ocean view :-)
Back to work...
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Round 1

Mountain Dew at my side, I sit here enjoying the new Yanni concert DVD (, Yanni Live - The Concert Event. The new musicians that have joined his team are nothing short of phenomenal.

So, today I've joined my generation of bloggers. And you are all now subject to my daily (well, we'll see) ramblings. This is my pathetic attempt to maintain contact with the people I call friends...
For those of you who don't know, I met the most incredible woman in the world on eHarmony a few months ago. Christina is manager of corporate relations at the Ravinia (, Chicago area's host of an incredible tapestry of musical talent. I am so excited to partake in some of those performances this summer... :-)
Christina and I hit it off right away, even before we met. We spent weeks emailing each other entire novels, daily. Meeting her was like seeing a long lost friend... just an incredible experience. I can only describe her as everything I've always wanted. I'm really looking forward to our journey as we walk down God's path together. I am so incredibly blessed to have been given such a precious gift! Here's a picture of us at "the weed" in Franklin (27th of December).
I wish everyone peace and appreciation for the everyday blessings we tend to ignore. Auf Wiederschreiben...