Wording things carefully so as to avoid lawsuits and protect my job... Over the last several weeks, I've been troubleshooting an issue that reared its head with some fiber optic assemblies. LOTS of testing in the lab. Debug, debug, debug. This is a major deal, potentially affecting an entire standard of fiber optics. Woo hoo... I have opened an incredibly large can of worms. ;-)
I'll be out here until Thursday... Tomorrow is going to be spent in the lab, reviewing the techniques in which we've been performing out tests... more or less to validate what we've discovered. Sounds exciting, eh?
And on the plane today, after about 30 cat naps between getting bumped by passers by in the isle, waking from the aroma of Midwest Airlines' fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, asked if I want a soda from the flight attendants, sniffing the pungent stench of "old lady perfume"... I finally gave up on "sleeping" and pulled out the book I brought with me.

Everyone knows of this commandment regarding idolatry, right? And you've probably read Moses' account a dozen times in Exodus. But, reading this quote in the context of Bill Schnoebelen's book, "Masonry: Beyond The Light," really opened my eyes today. (Check out Bill's ministry online.)
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above , or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me"
Exodus 20:4-5
I remember Dad discussing his discovery of this book back in college. I also remember my desire to read it upon him sharing a few details that he had read with me. I found it referenced in Dr. Kent Hovind's online store one day while surfing (GREAT resource, by the way), and threw it on my Christmas list last year. Nancy knew Dad had it, remembering him talk about it it too. She dug around Dad's GINORMOUS collection of books last year (now in her care) after seeing it on my list, but didn't find it. Dad had so many books, that they're categorized into entire cabinets of shelves. "That's a lot of books," you say. Yup. Dad was incredibly diligent in his studies of God, praise God! Anyway, it apparently was in the wrong set of shelves, misplaced. Nancy ran across it later on and gave it to me for Christmas this year.
Right - back to the book. Go back, and reread that passage. Reread that last sentence. Yup. Zing. God gets so angry that he threatens to punish our lineage, down to our great-grandchildren. Wow. That really convicted me today as I was reading this book. How much do we hurt God... every single day? It has actually brought me to tears tonight... And the impact that my actions have. Yikes.
So, I only got through 6 chapters on the plane today, but it sure does suck you in. This one is a page turner, ladies and gents. I highly recommend it. Dad had shared some crazy things with me when he was talking about reading it, and I had remembered some of those juicy details. Because of that, the first couple chapters were a bit... long to get through. I wanted to get into the juicy details right away. But, I completely understand why Bill wrote the introduction and lead in with the first several chapters. Quite honestly, it's too much for someone to take in at face value. And he offers lots of Biblical references throughout what he shares - awesome.
It's late, but I want to share some of this information to get it out in the world. Let me first preface this all by stating that I don't believe that Masons are intentionally getting themselves into the situation they're in. Satan is the Father of Lies (John 8:44)... he's a tricky one. He lures us in. Temptation is the perfect example... if he came right out and told us what we're thinking of doing is wrong and sinful, it'd seem rather unappealing to us - but, rather, he tricks us. Our discernment ability aside... the point is, that he makes things seem different than reality. "Ye shall not surely die [if you eat of the tree]" he tells Eve (Gen3:4). He twists it into making Eve think it's a physical death... but, we all know God was really speaking of her spiritual death in that she would be disobeying God's law - the first Covenant. Eve fell for it, of course... as we do in our walks every day. My point here is that not every Mason is of a high degree, fully partaking in the occult. And I dare even say Masons may be ignorant to that which they serve. I am not condemning, just hoping that this information will open peoples' eyes.
Since it's late, I don't know how far into this I'll be able to get... but, let's see...
The devil has planned this organization out incredibly well. Essentially, there are varying degrees of membership. The higher the degree, the higher up the food chain you are. Essentially, for participation in most things of the Masonic lodge, you must obtain the 3rd degree level (Master Mason). The highest level is 33rd degree.
When initiating interest in pursuing higher orders (above Master Mason), you are "guided" into one of two different Rites - the Scottish or the York. Upon early initiation, you are "felt out" as to whether you're a Christian or not. Those of a "Christian" background are taken down the York Rite path. If the Mason is more secular or "motivated" to hurry through the training, "...he is advised to go the route of the Scottish Rite, which rockets you through 29 degrees in a couple of weekends, and enables you to go on and join the Shrine."
The Knights Templar (KT) is the crown achievement of the York Rite. Throughout your process of varying degrees, you've been lead to believe you will eventually be exposed to the "true name of God." As you progress, you are required to take blood oaths committing to have your ear sliced off, tongue split from tip to root, heart ripped out and placed on a dunghill to rot, or your skull smote off and brains exposed to the rays of the noon day sun, should you ever violate the oaths by which you swear.
The highpoint of the initiation into the KT is a "grim mockery" to the Last Supper. You are "brought before a large, triangular table covered in black velvet illuminated by candles and containing eleven silver goblets and a human skull enthroned on the Bible." "The candidate is asked to partake of five libations, (toasts). The first three libations are given, respectively, to the memory of Masonic heroes King Solomon, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif. The fourth libation is to the memory of Simon of Cyrene..." "The candidate is never told to whom the fifth libation is drunk (it is 'sealed'), and it is offered to hi out of a human skull! He is told by the "Eminent Commander" to repeat a short oath which says, in part:
as the sins of the whole world were once visited upon the head of our Saviour, so may all the sins of the person whose skull this once was, in addition to my own, be heaped upon my head, and may this libation appear in judgement against me, should I ever knowingly or willingly violate my most solemn vow of a Knight Templar, so help me God..."
As Bill points out in his book, the wage of just one sin is spiritual death for eternity. And the grace of God has given us our Savior, Jesus Christ. Here, these men are rescinding their belief and admonition of Christ's death on Calvary... and BLINDLY accepting to be held accountable for the sin of some dead guy. Bill also explains how and what the definition of "God" is changed to within the Masonic Lodge and their teachings. Scary stuff.
Now, the above is just the juicy guts. Bill goes into great detail describing the entangled web that is woven to deceive Masons as they progress through the various degrees... gradually beginning to serve a second master (Mathew 6:24), which is eloquently told us to be impossible by Jesus himself. Bill uncovers the dirty details and their roots... there's lots of meat to this juice.
So, yeah. That's just a taste of this book. Call it a "teaser trailer." I'm only about 25% through it, and can't wait to learn more.
For authenticity's sake to your readers out there, Bill has violated a lot of sacred oaths... a former 32nd degree Mason. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for convicting his heart to discern the truth of what has happened. Thank You for using him as a megaphone of the truth.
Lord... Jesus... You are my Savior - You are the one and only Master of the Universe, the Creator of all things. Thank You, Lord. Holy Spirit, please convict readers of this blog to see the true and only pure source of light. Lord, I ask spiritual and physical protection over me in an effort to uncover the secrets of darkness and bring them to light by Your command through Paul (Eph 5:11-13). Lord, I again ask for your protection over Bill, and honor him for his commitment to this same task. Amen!!
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