Thanks to Chad's recent comment, I've been motivated to provide some "new content" today. Thanks for the nudge, dude.
So, last Wednesday I forgot to mention that I went to a Mike Huckabee rally that was held in Pewaukee. The man says the right things and has performed well in the past as former governor - I'm a HUGE fan. Unfortunately, that loser McCain keeps getting the votes. My heart breaks for our nation because of the people that pay no attention to "politics" until "the final two" have been chosen to battle it off. Ticks me off. We need to get support out so we can get our favorites through the primaries! OK, dismounting from soap box.
Anyway, yeah for this little gals parents to get her involved at such a young age :-) I would have shot one of her face, but didn't want the parents thinking I was some freaky stalker. She was pretty adorable though, sitting up on Daddy's shoulders... :-)

Here's a closeup digital zoom with the phone again - not real impressed... but it's the best shot I have of him. Behind Huck is his wife, and in the back left is Oconomowoc local, Tim Michels, heading up the Huckabee campaign in Wisconsin.

Here's a nice one I stole from someone else's blog.

And here's a shot from Valentine's Day at Christina's place... again, from the new phone. Isn't she adorable?

So yeah - she came up Saturday, arriving mid afternoon. We hung out at my place and I made her Mom's recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches, with a side of tomato soup. Mmmmm. Soup, greasy toast, and melted cheese goo. Awesome.
Saturday night, we met up with Chad & Alissa, Dill, and friends Josh and Amanda. We all met out in the high rolling town of Lebanon for dinner at a new revision of an old restaurant, the Home Plate. We had a bunch of fried goodness for appetizers, namely deep fried pickles. Holy crumb, those are amazing. Our friend, Jedd, was just starting at the "new" restaurant as a waiter part-time. He's the real reason we went, but I think we may actually be back for some good food :-)
Afterwards, we all met back at Chad's place to play the Wii... until "wee" hours of the morning. Oh my gosh, I'm so funny.
Sunday morning, Christina and I planned to go to church. The weather was horrific - rain turning into sheets of ice. On my way to get coffee and bagels for breakfast, Christina called from Mom's house to inform me that church was canceled. That gave us a chance to spend a little time with Mom in the morning. The major roads weren't too bad yet, so we got Christina out right away to keep her safe before things got any worse.
Sunday, Chad & Alissa, Dill, and myself had an eventful afternoon. We met up for a bloody mary at Tom & Di's - sooo good. Then we made our way to Best Buy (why not?). I saw the new Xbox 360 Elite package there, and my jaw dropped. Microsoft stole Nate's patented phrase - "Go Big, or Go Home." We're already in talks with lawyers...

Afterwards, we went back to Chad's house for some more Wii action. Eventually, we ordered some pizza and watched a disc of the new season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." Larry David - good grief, the things he comes up with. LOL
Alright, lunch break is over. Get back to work.