This weekend, Christina's connections came through - AGAIN. Her good friend got us free tickets to the Joffrey Ballet's performance this weekend at Roosevelt University Theater. Holy awesome seats, Batman. I went to the website, and this pretty well summarizes our view. Thank you Maria.

Right, the title of the post. Sorry folks, we're reaching climax here already. So, there's this ginormous metal artistic bean in a park in downtown Chicago. Christina showed it to me in the dark after the ballet. It was sweet. I'm such an engineer. I totally was more fascinated by the feat of engineering to get it to balance on those two points than the artistic accomplishments. Isn't engineering artistic? Thought for the day...

So, yeah. It's reflective. Even at 9pm with a crappy phone camera. Here's Christina and I "reflecting" on the moment. Yup, I got lessons from Dave Letterman on my humor.

Sunday morning, we went to Christina's church. Afterwards we made an order of mochas and Mint Conditions from Caribou. Mmmmmmmmm. We dropped off the yummy creations at her sisters place prior to lunch. After some conversation about the movies up for Oscars, we went with their family and her brothers family (minus Mom) to Chili's for lunch.
Did I mention Christina has some stinkin' adorable kids in her family? Here's some shots of her niece and nephew(s).

Well, I'm totally working on a 1.75 of Evan Williams with Dill.
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