Wednesday, April 9, 2008

3 years later...

So, I got these wine glass racks for a birthday present 3 years ago. They're supposed to hang under a cabinet, but my counter space is filled (or regularly used) under my cabinets, so I never had a place for them. The last 8 or 10 months I've been putting more effort towards some major cleaning and organizing. I was sick of these things sitting on top of my fridge. It was either throw them in the bin for Good Will or give them a place in my home.

............beeep buuuuup BUP blupe beep krreeeeep blaaaaaahhh eeeeeek aahhh bluuuup eh wwaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh........ kshhhhhhhhhhhh.... (that's supposed to be an onomatopoeia for a modem dial-up - oh stop laughing, say it out loud - it kinda works) [engineer brain dial-up to central processor unit]

And here's what my brain came up with. Turns out there's lots of room on the ceiling. :-) Check out those gorgeous Riedel wine glasses! (Thanks Unc & OC!)


Unknown said...

Is it bad that I instantly knew that was modem sounds before I finished the sentence.... I'm not really that geeky.... really.... :)

Stewie said...

Great to see you're using some of your dorm room education. There's always room if you just look up. However, they look a little out of place. Maybe something to cover the white ceiling under (or above?) the racks so it looks like that section of the ceiling was designed for the racks.

Rarus vir said...

I have three stemware racks in my kitchen with some very unusual long stem wine and water glasses I found on EBay. I think I have about 38 wine glasses so far. Really makes the kitchen look good too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those racks look familiar...glad to see they're finally going to good use! :-p