Moses' father-in-law is giving him some guidance in how to govern his people. The many "small" questions and issues could not all be settled by Moses alone. He was to select Godly men (people) of character, that fear God, that hate covetousness and unrighteous gain. These people were selected to hold judgment over groups of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, of tens. Just like our court system is set up by our founding fathers - our CHRISTIAN founding fathers. As things get more and more complicated, they are to be sent up the food chain to the most righteous of judges.
That should indicate to you how important the choice of our supreme court judges is - and the President is responsible for choosing those seats. Keep this in mind in your prayers and who stands to rule as the "ultimate, righteous judge" over our country. This is the prayer I submit to you. May the Lord God convict your heart to see who He would choose to lead this nation's hierarchy of judgment.
Also, keep in mind, our great President Abraham Lincoln's quote:
"The philosophy of the classroom of one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next." This was indeed prophetic wisdom... and something President Lincoln fought for - that our country's past unrighteous embrace of slavery and racism would be cast from the schoolroom. Our current battle has far greater consequence - God was removed from America's classroom in a New York Supreme Court decision on June 25th, 1962. Justice Hugo Black, from Alabama, was a staunch liberal, the justice that made the judgement in the Engel v. Vitale (1962) case. This "leader" judge was called out early on, in Newsweek magazine, on his membership to the KKK. (Reference) Not exactly a guy who had his head wrapped around God's righteousness. Lesson learned?
Here's the prayer from PPT for today...
Awesome, God: You are awesome and mighty, lifting up those who You desire to lift up and putting down those You desire to put down. You love it when Your people come to You with longing for righteousness and godliness.Be blessed, be courageous, be filled with passion for righteousness. DON'T be lukewarm... (Rev 3:14-22)As our nation looks to the elections this fall, I ask that You will move among the people of our country, causing us to desire righteous, godly leaders. May we yearn for godly leaders and, desiring that, may we vote in such a way that we elect at every level those who will honor and obey You in godliness and wisdom. I pray this, honoring the holy name of Jesus, amen.
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