Christina and I toured the USS Gridley, one of the latest and greatest destroyers in our Naval fleet. The Navy brought her into Seal Beach for a brief publicity stunt, and I was all about it. Thanks to my wife for finding out about it! The Gridley was christened in February of '06... not that long ago. It employs the latest in ship stealth technology, and touts an incredible arsenal of missiles. Here's an abridged version of our tour...

Hard to believe, I know, that our majestic flag is still allowed to fly free in this state...

From the dock, identifying her namesake and sporting that massive artillery.

An M777 Howitzer, with it's Oshkosh Truck towing truck.

It was a looooooooooong line - free admission. Cool. Finally, got something for my tax dollars...

This jolly veteran was very enthused to talk a little shop with the soldiers on staff. He really wanted to try out that AR-15... In all seriousness, thanks to all you veterans and active duty soldiers out there. We are blessed by your sacrifices, and I pray that God blesses you and your families!

Front ISO view...

Rear ISO view...

Aforementioned missiles shoot out of these doors. The sailors were trying to get all the kids to jump on on the doors and put their hands up as if they were missiles shooting out. It was cute, but also a bit creepy. The reality of the ships abilities started to set in.

Ever wonder what a modern sailor is packin'?

Don't look up... yup there were more on the upper deck.

I couldn't NOT take this photo op... it's very empowering, isn't it?

Gotta' end with the shot of the "newly weds" enjoying an afternoon in the sun.
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