Nonetheless, I spent 4.5hrs in the truck, averaging 25mph to get to Christina's. I had no idea it was going to be that slow. I kinda figured I'd be the only one on the road, but I guess not. The idiots on the road were the problem... not the snow.
When I finally got there around 4pm, Christina and I watched some movies on TV and cooked dinner (translation: turned on oven and heated corn dogs). The highlight of the evening was "Sound of Music" :-)
Saturday, we slept in. Shocker. After some yummy breakfast, we cleaned up the Rumble Bee, prep'ing it for sale. Nephew, Ty, helped out. He did a great job rubbing in the plastic protectant on the doors.
Isn't she peeeeerrttty?

He likes to make noises when you squeeze his tummy. So stinkin' cute.

Aunt Al is tired after a long car ride from the Carolina's... "But, Mom, I'm so cute :-D"

And Tor demonstrates "Roll Tide!!"

Present opening time! Birthday boy had lots of help from his two cousins.

"Stop singing!! You're all out off pitch!" Poor little man didn't like all the singing... :-(

I asked big cousin Ty to help me out and take some photos of the birthday boy. Most everything was really fuzzy and didn't turn out, but this one is a keeper. We called it his "artistic photography." He learned the zoom function pretty quick after I showed him - this is Aunt Tina's eyebrow.

Moving on to Sunday. After Resurrection Day service at her church, we headed to her brother's house for the family get-together. I wonder if there was a basketball game on, eh guys?

Christina seems to capture my interesting side...

It's a bit fuzzy, but she's cute enough to make up for it (and LOTS more). ;-)

Tori and Grandpa - I wish I could be that entertained with a spoon...

Roads back to normal, I made the trek back home. OC was hosting events for our family. Mmmmmm..... SUCH YUMMY FOOD. I stuffed myself - oh, man. Still bloated...
I managed to corner our family's Tyler in the laundry room. He thinks he's pretty sneaky. He's short, but that helium balloon clipped to his arm sure helps to seek him out.

Mom and Tyler. It was sooooo cute. Like 10 seconds before this picture, he looked up at Mom, and put his arms up in the air with this little whimper... "[whimper] {translation: pick me up and hold me!}"

Kisses good night from Tyler!

And then back to the smelly bachelor pad to my precious kitties. Toe Jam has been warming my lap for the last hour. They missed me :-) OK - fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnee. I missed them too. You happy?
So, yeah - exciting - paid a couple bills, sorted through some mail, filed some papers. Boring. Hopefully, I can get my darn loan check tomorrow so I can get my car this weekend. [Crossing fingers.]
Over and out.
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