I left work a little early on Friday to catch a wedding for one of Christina's coworkers (hence, the shirt/tie above). I got to meet some of Christina's coworkers and eat some yummy food :-) And, I even got to pick on the DJ (cuz I'm the best DJ ever). Unfortunately, I started coming down with a cold Friday, so I wasn't exactly up to par. But, I did get to dance a little with Christina. I warned her. Thankfully, she stuck around after seeing me dance...
On Saturday, Christina and I both caught up on a little sleep in the morning. Being the doll she is, she went out to get some coffee products for us in the morning from Caribou. Mmmmmmm. After downing my Chai, I started passing out on the couch again. My body was definitely in need of recuperation time to fight the cold. Chrstina made the mistake of asking me if I wanted to put my head on her lap since I was sleepy... 4hrs and her numb legs later...
That night, Christina and her sister had plans to go to the opera. While they were out on the town, I got to hang out with her niece and nephews at her brothers' house. Apparently, this little gal has a new talent - karaoke. Dad's warming up the machine for her here, big brother clamping his ears in anticipation in the background...

And here she is, "aaahhh ahahh ahhh ahhh." LOL. Words cannot describe how stinkin' cute it is.

So after getting the kids + 1 family friend kid fed for dinner, and getting them all ready for bed, the adults sat down to watch a movie. I somehow managed to talk them into watching Short Circuit 2. It was one of the free on-demand movies on cable. Holy sweet movie, Batman. Comments from the peanut gallery aside, they all loved it. I'm totally picking up the DVD on Amazon this week.
Sunday, I was feeling much better. After a really great sermon at church, we headed down to visit Christina's sister's family. I got retain some of my man card points by troubleshooting some problems with their Pathfinder. We took a nice long walk with her sister and their dog. The weather was perfect today - 55 degrees. The fresh air and exercise really helped me recover from my cold. I'm not 100% by any means, but feel much better :-)
Upon making it back home, I came to find the cat food and water dishes empty. :-( SORRY guys! I filled up the food for them, and got to see their jealousy live-time. They won't eat out of the dish at the same time. Toe Jam is so funny. She reaches over and pulls some of the food out of the dish onto the floor and then eats it. Such temperamental princesses... Hm, I guess I have a thing for princesses... :-)

Uh oh - time for bed.
LOL "Mom, the meatloaf!!" LOL... OK, maybe when Wedding Crashers is over...
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