Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The one where Biden instills his ignorance... LOL

This guy... Oh man...

Check out the video - see if anything strikes you

Yeah, that's right, right around 1:50 where he says how he has to instill confidence in the American people that he knows what he's talking about... 1:54 when he says he knows what he's talking about. LOL. PLEEEEEASE. "...listen to me and follow what I'm suggesting, we can fix this..."

1:59... this is great... "...when the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on television..."

First off, the President of the USA in 1929 when the stock market crashed was Herbert Hoover, not Franklin Roosevelt (Wikipedia on Hoover) (Market crash of 1929) (Whitehouse back-up Reference) .

Secondly, the standard for broadcast TV (NTSC) wasn't developed until 1941, delivered via NBC (owned by RCA) and CBS. (Reference) (Reference 2) And it was largely put on hold due to Hitler and his ridiculous notions. TV wasn't largely available in the US until the ealry '50s - approximately 50% of households had TV by 1955. FYI. Just in case you were wondering.

Too bad Al Gore didn't invent the TV earlier! LOL!!! Thanks to Chad for that great comment!!

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