Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The one with Obama's "redistribution of wealth."

Let's set the record straight here... let's end the double-speak, cover-up garbage from Obama's campaign. He's not "kidding" about his desire and plan for redistribution of wealth. He DID mean what he said with...

..."Joe the plumber"...
...his conversation with Charlie Gibson from an earlier Democratic nominee debate about capital gains taxes. Obama concedes that the cut of capital gains tax actually increased revenues (and thus helped the economy), but says having the tax is the "fairness". (Not to mention the other great issues Charlie points out).

It's about FAIRNESS people...!! Come on! Geeeeeeez!

....and the Socialist group he's a member of...
Chicago Democratic Socialists of America - yup, you read that correctly - he's a member, and contributing speaker. In 1996, the March-April Edition of "New Ground" (the Chicago DSA newsletter), a story written by Bob Roman, he quotes comments made at a convention by Obama - he talks about Obama's plan "The state government can also play a role in redistribution, the allocation of wages and jobs." Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

...and then there's his 2001 interview about Socialism and the redistribution of wealth on Chicago's PUBLIC RADIO station [GAG], WBEZ FM. When are we going to quench the government funding of the proliferation of the liberal garbage that is constantly spewed from the mouths of these NPR personalities!?!?

Friends - good choices.

He sought out campus activists for Marxism (whom were black) [from his book]... for people to be around, people he needed to be around. He needed those people to support his fundamental ideology. Good choice in friends...

More Socialism - Obama's ties to Tony Rezko in the dirty real-estate deals, and questionable campaign contributions... while Rezko is linked to Saddam Hussein (indirectly, yes). But the money flow is obvious and well documented. Good choice in friends...

Obama supported Raila Odinga's campaign. Odinga is from Kenya - an anti-American, Marxist, pro-Jihadist (not generic, but the Islamic radical kind). Odinga was there trying to undercut the pro-American movement. He's promised control of the country to the Jihadists he's friends with. Here's a well documented layout for you.

And then there's Bill Ayres. Good grief. Thank goodness Steve Diamond has taken the time to document and collect all the facts for us... thanks, Steve, for saving me the time.

Obama's Tax Plan:

Retired people: a lot of their income is capital gains --> in Obama's plan, their taxes are going up, and they're middle income families.

The benchmark Obama is working from is from 2002 - the "tax cut expiration" is his reference. You and I are working from the current tax percentages... the cuts from President Bush. If you're a dual income family, making between $50k-$100k a year, your taxes are going to go up between $2,000 - $5,000.

Not uncommon for most "professional" graduates to be making 40-50 grand a piece. Marries couple, say they're bringing in $100,000 combined. With Obama's reform, they're going to be giving up another $200 to taxes every paycheck (bi-monthly), or nearly $400/month LESS income. Holy Shneikes Batman.

Fine, let's take a couple bringing in $60k/yr. They loose almost $200/month to taxes. That's real. That's the car payment. Or maybe the gas budget. Nope, can't drive to work anymore.

Wake up people.

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