Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mein Computer ist schliesslich tot... :-(

I've been kind of avoiding attempting restoration of my desktop... one of the hard drives in my striped RAID array kicked the bucket a few weeks ago. Somehow I managed to boot it up shortly after and back up some of my important files to my backup data drive. [whew]

Tonight, I attempted to do a full restore. I had Windows run a few scans, and was trying to get it to the point where I could run the Western Digital diagnostics tool so the drive could just identify and omit all the bad sectors that seem to be coming out of the woodwork.

As the evening progressed, things went from bad...

To worse...

Yup, the primary master drive won't even initialize for boot-up in the RAID BOIS utility. Can you say screwed?

Between a pseudo operational northbridge chipset (heatsink fell of about 15 months ago and partially fried it), rapidly failing memory controller (down to 1 of 4 DIMM slots that work), and a now failed EIDE hard drive... I think it's finally time to throw in the towel and cut our losses.

And in other news, I guess I'm heading out to Tulsa to survey an MD-80 for Delta tomorrow...

Time to go get the last load of laundry...! And off to bed! SWEEET.